Monday, January 27, 2020

Governments Influence On Public Opinion Media Essay

Governments Influence On Public Opinion Media Essay In the last 50 years the media influence has grown exponentially with the high tech technology, in the early years there was only telegraph, radio and magazines but now a days we have got the number of media channels, internet We live in a society that depends heavily on the information and communication to be at right path, to do the right things and to take right decisions. What we need to be aware is that the most of our decisions, belief and values are based on what we know for a fact, our assumptions, our own experience and studies, however we rely heavily on the media to get current news and facts about what should be done and what should not be? The purpose of this discussion is that our lives rely heavily on the media to know the information and take the right decisions. Coming to our topic of discussion that how government influences the public opinion. As consumers rely heavily on the media organizations for information, governments too rely on media organizations to influence the public opinion whether its through advertisement, public service message or any other way to achieve their primary and secondary objectives too. Thats why we have divided our topic of discussion into three parts The media plays a very important role in shaping and controlling the political opinions. Media is extremely powerful in the sense that without the adequate functioning of the media it is very much impossible for any social structure like government to exist so all of the social structures exists on the medias ability to socialize. The U.S. government generally will exploit the media, often times manipulating the enormous power of the printed word. Ultimately empowering the U.S. government, strengthening it with the ability to determine and control the popular perception of reality. One way in which government achieves this objective, is by its ability to misuse the medias ability to set the agenda. Contrary to popular belief, media is in fact an enormous hegemony. In fact, separate independent news organizations relatively do not exist. Rather than creating an independent structured agenda of there own, generally lesser smaller news organizations adapt to a prepared agenda, previously constructed by a higher medium. Based upon this information alone, it is quite apparent that media functions in adherence to the characteristics of a hierarchy. This simply means that media is structured in a way that it operates functioning from top to bottom. This is also identical to the hierarchical nature of the human body, in that from the commands of the brain transferred through the central nervous system, the body responds accordingly. In order for the U.S. government to control and determine the publics popular perception of reality, the government must shape and oversee the information that the media reports to the existing populous. This particular process of democracy is known and ref erred to by political scientists as cognitive socialization However, many of us, who do not stick to the cushioning of political correctness, refer to it as the propaganda machine. Numerous political scientists consider cognitive socialization to be the most effective form of political socialization. According to theory, cognitive socialization is doctored up information, which is strategically fragmented in such a manipulative manner, that the probability of its rationalization is highly predictable. The manipulative properties of cognitive socialization are so diabolical and tricky in nature, that I consider it to be the ultimate perversion of the democratic process. In all seriousness, numerous intellectuals, and gentleman held in good stature agree, that cognitive socialization is the product of an evil genius. Senator William Fulbright observed in Senate hearings on government and the media in 1966, that so many of our prominent newspapers have become almost agents or adjuncts of the government; that they do not contest or even raise questions about government policy(Refrence) The Professor Noam Chomsky on a book of his entitled Manufacturing Consent, democracy and the media. Mr. Chomsky comments on the unholy alliance between government and media. Indoctrination is the essence of democracy Now the question is that when it is impossible to control the people via force, it is very much possible to control the people what they think. Thats why media is used as an additive applied to a free democratic society to preserver the interest of power elite. (the relationship between government and media) Media and Public Relationship Mass media heavily influences our daily life, with providing of information so we will discuss that: How Mass Media Works Influence Young People Influence Of Violence Image On Kids Shaping Up the Public Opinion. How Mass Media Influence Works Of all the media distribution channels the most influential has been the television, we are constantly exposed to thousands of images and a moving picture is more than 100,000. These words are in the form of images the images of violence, advertising, sex, celebrities and much more. All these are helpful in shaping up the minds of the people, actually they are not shaping up the minds but they are shaping up the public opinion in terms of giving the consumers new values, new psyche and new way of thinking and providing them with new directions. The question is that who are shaping up this public opinion these are those five big companies which owns most of the media channels, cinemas and other sources. Time Warner VIACOM Vivendi Universal Walt Disney News Corp They also own integrated telecommunications, wireless phones, video games softwares, electronic media, the music industry and more. For example if we just try to peep into past it shows that UK ex President Tony Blair won the elections due to the contract with the Murdoch News Corporation to portray the image of Tony Blair. This shows that the media has very great and long lasting influence on the peoples as this example shows that Murdoch Corporation was quite successful in shaping up the public opinion. On the other hand the thing which is quite noticeable that Mr. Tony blair contracted a company which has a wide area of coverage, which shows that the wide area of coverage helped him to shape large number peoples mind. Years ago there was more diversity in companies, but they have merged so now they are just a few and they have been successful in shaping up the opinion and beliefs of us and our kids. It has become very much important for any parent to have a look on what their kids are watching and the material is not going to conflict with norms and values. For example if we just have a look on the Pakistani kids now a days they have just been very much addicted to Indian culture that they dont any more remember the Pakistani culture they dont have the knowledge that in Islam marriage is based on Nikkah but I have seen some of the kids asking their parents that when the couple is going to take rounds around the fire. India media has been very much successful in shaping the norms, values and most important the minds of our kids. How Does Mass Media Influence Young People As we all know that the mass medias heavy reliance is on the advertisements, media organizations earn billion of dollars. This advertisement is shaping the minds of the people regarding their buying behaviors. All the people exposed to these advertisements try to buy the same thing that was in the advertisement. As there are some positive and negative influences of the media so they try to influence the young minds these young minds can may have positive influence or may have the negative one but in both cases the media is influencing the young mind, if young mind is doing a lot of exercise just seeing someone his/her favorite sportsman doing that then its a positive influence but if he/she starts smoking then its a negative image. In both the cases media is trying to project something onto the young mind whether its a good or bad but the question is that why young minds accept all these things dont they have to do something else. The answer is that every young one has got some of the peer pressure so whenever they are trying to do something its just of peer pressure to get accepted between his friends, no matter how this will impact the health of a person but the young people just wants to be accepted in their friends. This thing shows that media is playing two way game projecting both the positive and negative image in order to achieve their objectives. Media is quite capable to project a bad image a positive one and positive one to negative but in both the cases they are influencing the young minds. Another negative influence in teenagers that has grown over the last years is anorexia and obesity. There are millions of adolescents fighting obesity, but at the same time they are exposed to thousands of advertisements of junk food, while the ideas image of a successful person is told to be thin and wealthy. Also more women are obsessive with losing weight even when they are not obese; there are many thin women that want to look like the super models and thin celebrities so they engage in eating disorders which lead to severe health issues and even death. (Hubpages) How media influence public opinion As we have discussed above and continue to discuss that media has got a great impact on the society for shaping up the public opinion whether thats a political campaign, an advertisement to make you fat, broadcasting successful characters or a terrorist attack in every situation media is trying to influence. Wilton Sekzer in a movie states: I was travelling in a subway there comes a point where the wheels of the subway screech loudly, there the towers of the World Trade Centre were in perfect symmetry so I didnt know that which one is my sons building, I was thinking that cannot be my sons building because everyone inside that building gonna die, watching TV every 5 minutes they gonna show the falling towers. I am watching your news cast. How many times you gonna show got damn towers falling down, dont you have any respect for those, who have got family and friends inside there. (Why we fight, 2005) Now if we have just have a look on the above discussed example that after 9/11 the US media was trying to shape up the public opinion in a way of creating hater in the minds of populous for the Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. This shaped up the public opinion for war against terrorism and the same public opinion helped the US government for the war against Iraq. This shows that media has great power which has changed the public opinion of 80% of the Americans. Advertisements for Political Parties by Media If we just have a look on the advertisements of Pakistani political parties during the political campaigns, all of the parties whether that was in rule or in opposition both will be trying to influence the public opinion in a way that people cast their votes to the ruling party or the one in the opposition, for this purpose they try their level best to count of their best works during their ruling time. On the other hand they try to show in their advertisements that what plans they have got for the next five years. Conclusively they always try to influence the public opinion in a way that change peoples mind to cast their vote to the relative parties. There are number of other ways to influence the public opinion which includes polls and trends especially in political campaigns. The candidates that can pay more for TV and media exposure have more influence on public opinion and thus can receive more votes. This suite up the same example we discussed above about the Tony Blairs contract with Murdoch Corporation to win the elections GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE ON PUBLIC OPINION The influencing works on the agenda setting program which says that the government has to rely on the media organization for influencing the public opinion. The same is the case discussed by the Agenda setting. Agenda Setting The agenda setting theory states that the mass media has got a heavy influence on the audiences by their choices of what to report, how to report and how much worth and space should be for the issue. The salient feature is the ability of mass media to transfer issues of importance from mass media agenda to public agenda. (Brooks, Brian S., et al., 2003) Functions of Agenda Setting The agenda-setting function has multiple components: Media agenda are issues discussed in the media, such as newspapers, television, and radio. Public agenda are issues discussed and personally about members of the public. Policy agenda are issues that policy makers consider important, such as legislators. Corporate agenda are issues that big business and corporations consider important, including corporations. These four agendas are interrelated. The two basic assumptions underlie most research on agenda-setting are that the press and the media do not reflect reality, they filter and shape it, and the media concentration on a few issues and subjects leads the public to perceive those issues as more important than other issues. (Brooks, Brian S., et al., 2003) Now coming back to our topic of discussion that how governments can influence the public opinion according to the agenda setting theory discussed above there are a two ways for any government to influence the public opinion the one is direct influence and other is indirect influence. Direct Influence Direct influence is a kind of influence in which the government tries to influence through their speeches and press conferences. Speeches: If we just have a look on any of the speeches of the prime ministers, presidents or even the ministers they are actually trying to influence the public opinion that they are trying to influence the people that they are doing good and taking the right decisions they are actually shaping the public opinion but a single statement can set up agenda for the media. Press conferences: Press conference is another important source of influencing the public like we every day see that somebody is conducting a press conference in which the government or non government officials try to tell to the people via media organizations about the ground realities but in some cases to portray the issue favorably they try to use different methods which includes Secrecy: an important tool that governments use to influence or avoid media coverage. Governments release information as part of a general media strategy to influence the media agenda and frame issues favorably (McCloskey, 1990, p. 119). Governments  often attempt to conceal information from other governments and the public. These  state secrets  can include  weapon  designs, military plans,  diplomatic  negotiation  tactics, and secrets obtained illicitly from others (intelligence). Most nations have some form of  Official Secrets Act  (the  Espionage Act  in the  U.S.) and classify material according to the level of protection needed (hence the term classified information). An individual needs a  security clearance  for access and other protection methods, such as keeping documents in a  safe, are stipulated. Few people dispute the desirability of keeping  Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information  secret, but many believe government secrecy to be excessive and too often employed for political purposes. Many countries have laws that attempt to limit government secrecy, such as the U.S.  Freedom of Information Act  and  sunshine laws. Government officials sometimes  leaking formation they are supposed to keep secret. Secrecy in elections is a growing issue, particularly secrecy of vote counts on computerized vote counting machines. While voting, citizens are acting in a unique sovereign or owner capacity (instead of being a subject of the laws, as is true outside of elections) in selecting their government servants. It is argued that secrecy is impermissible as against the public in the area of elections where the government gets all of its power and taxing authority. In any event, permissible secrecy varies significantly with the context involved. (Bok, 1989) Disinformation Disinformation is the false information that is spread deliberately. It sometimes called Black Propaganda. It can include the distribution or spreading of malicious rumors and fabricated intelligence. In the military agencies there is an extensive use of this technique to hide ones course of action. Disinformation is also helpful in the cases where the government needs to hide some of the details in order to keep the emotions high or to portray the issues favorably. This can be done by manipulation of the audience at the rational level by either discrediting, conflicting or supporting false conclusions. Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship, is also used if the group can affect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio and discrediting the opposition by association with a lot of easily-disproved false claims. To further understand the concept of disinformation can be clarified by the example that America has faced very high life losses in war against terrorism so government to avoid any opposition of war, the government officials will tell there is a high rate of death rate for enemy and no or very less soldiers have lost their lives. This is actually providing the people with emotional support that America is quite successful in war against terrorism and people will not oppose the war. In 1957 the  CIA  knew about the  Mayak accident  but the information was not released publicly because of the reluctance of the CIA to highlight a nuclear accident in the USSR, that could cause concern among people living near nuclear facilities in the USA. (Makhijani, 2008) Now this shows that governments provide sometimes wrong information to the media so that media cannot shape the issue as they want and create a distrust in the minds of the people but they try to shape up the content as they want, this is another way of influencing the people via shaping up the content in a way as government wants. Denial of access of information: Its an important technique to manage media coverage. Officials release only that information they want to be released. For instance, in 1983 when the Reagan Administration ordered troops to the Caribbean island of Grenada, the Pentagon refused to take reporters along (Purvis, 2001, p. 243). Similarly, the Bush administration and the Pentagon restricted and carefully controlled information and media access during the 1991 Gulf war, in sharp contrast to the freedom allowed the press and the coverage of Vietnam War. Woodward (1996) revealed that the restriction list was two-pages long and included a number of restrictions on information and travel (p. 174). Now adding up to the above discussion that the media shapes up the public opinion but sometimes Governments also have to use different strategies to shape up the matter as they want rather than allowing the media to shape up the matter according to themselves. Thats why governmental officials have got media handling strategies. Indirect influence Now coming towards the indirect influence as this is conducted through the media organizations actually the government sets up the agenda for the media organizations to discuss, to broadcast and to influence the public opinion. There are two ways of indirect influence which includes: Advertisements Talk shows Advertisements: Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade its viewers, readers or listeners to take some action. It usually includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume that particular brand. Modern advertising developed with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services through branding, which involves the repetition of an image or product name in an effort to associate related qualities with the brand in the minds of consumers. Different types of media can be used to deliver these messages, including traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, billboards or direct mail. Advertising may be placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization. Organizations that spend money on advertising promoting items other than a consumer product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies. Non-profit organizations may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as a public service announcement. (Oxford Journals) Public Service announcements: An advertisement broadcast on radio or television, for the public interest. They are to modify public attitudes by raising awareness about specific issues. The most common topics of PSAs are health, safety. Such advertising is generally produced and distributed on a cooperative basis by governmental agencies or nonprofit organizations acting in concert with private advertising and mass media companies. In most cases, the nonprofit provides the programming that is to be advertised, while the participating advertising agency and media companies provide creative services, media planning, and dissemination services on a pro bono basis. Some television shows featuring very special episodes made PSAs after the episodes. For example, Conrad Bain of Different Strokes spoke two PSAs after the episodes dealing with child sexual abuse and hitchhiking Now days we every day watch tv and read newspaper there are lot of advertisements from government or government institutions side which give us a message or information regarding some of the issues. For example child sexual abuse is very much high in Pakistan so there is a repetitive message via different media organizations that Dont let your child to be alone with a A very much common ad we use to see in the newspaper or TV that is from the FBR (federal board of revenue) which says that Tax is your liability you have to pay it All these kinds of ads and public service announcements are for the purpose of making the people get aware and shaping up the public opinion in a way that people starts doing the things that what government says. Talk Show A talk show is a television or radio program where one person (or group of people) will discuss various topics put forth by a talk show host. Sometimes, talk shows feature a panel of guests, usually consisting of a group of people who are learned or who have great experience in relation to whatever issue is being discussed on the show for that episode. Other times, a single guest discusses their work or area of expertise with a host or co-hosts. A call-in show takes live phone calls from callers listening at home, in their cars, etc. (wikipedia, 2009). Now to understand that how we indirectly get influence through talk shows. As we have discussed above the speeches or the press conferences as a direct source of influencing the people. Now just for a minute if we think that there is a statement by any of the government official that Pakistan is giving access to Black Water to nuclear weapon. This opens up the agenda for public and the media. Now media organizations start inviting the government officials to the talk shows and discuss the circumstances that Why Pakistan is giving access. What will they do with Pakistans nuclear weapons and lot of questions will be raised. The answers of these questions will be actually to influence the public opinion that whatever Pakistan is doing is in the large interest of the public and so on. This is how the government official indirectly influences the public opinion. In the same way the agenda can be raised up by the public or media. Again the government officials have to influence the public opinion in order to continue the government. Statements That Changed Up the Public Opinion Jan 17, 1961 President Dwight Eisenhowers stated: My fellow Americans this evening I come to you with a message of leave taking and to share few final thoughts with you my country men, we have been compelled to create a permanent arm industry of vast proportion. Three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in defense establishment. The total influence economic, political and even spiritual is felt in every city, every state house and every office of the follower government. We have recognized the imperative need for this development, yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications in councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwanted influence whether sort or unsort by the military industrial complex the potential for the disastrous rise of misplace power exists and will persists . (Jarecki, 2005) Iraq is a supporter of terrorist groups, inc Liberation Front, and Hamas (Why we fight) Iraq is paying $25, 000 per suicide bombing (Why we fight) CONCLUSION Now the governments heavily influence the public which has been demonstrated by different statements which shows that America brought Saddam Hussain to conquer Kuwait and after that they have used different statements against Saddam Hussain and his country and media developed an agenda upon those statements which changed the public opinion and America has to attack on Iraq. The concept is that government is the supreme power of the country and can shape up the incident as they want whether in the positive way or a negative one. We have also seen that governments keep some of the issues hidden from the public but all of these issues are intentionally kept hidden to avoid the opposition of the decision. All the above study has crystallized the topic Government Influence on Public Opinion that its true that governments do influences sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Fall of The House of Usher Essay -- Literary Analysis, Edgar Allan

Often times in literature the author will correlate attributes of a character or things happening to a character with physical items or even other people within the story. This provides an indication of how a character is structured and sometimes foreshadows things yet to happen in the story. In the short story â€Å"The Fall of The House of Usher,† the author, Edgar Allan Poe, establishes two distinct parallels between three characters. Roderick is paralleled with both his twin sister, Madeline, and the actual house itself. Determining the similarities between these characters can provide an interesting literary exercise. Roderick and Madeline being twin siblings should provide enough similarities to establish a parallel in itself, but there are other indications. Both Usher siblings suffer from debilitating ailments which Poe alludes to several times throughout the story. An example of this is when Poe states of Roderick, â€Å"an anomalous species of terror I found him a bounden slave† (Poe 235). The author does this again when writing: â€Å"I dread the events of the future, not in themselves, but in their results. I shudder at the thought of any, even the most trivial, incident† (Poe 235). Finally, he writes, â€Å"He was enchained by certain superstitious impressions in regard to the dwelling which he tenanted, and whence, for many years, he had never ventured forth†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Poe 235). The terms â€Å"bounden slave† and â€Å"enchained† in these passages hint that Roderick is unable to move from his fears and is therefore stuck. Madeline is described as having à ¢â‚¬Å"transient affections of a partially cataleptical character† (Poe 236). This means while suffering from catatonic fits she was physically unable to move, similar in nature to Roderick’s inability to mov... ...the narrator. The use of parallels within literature has long provided readers with a way to delve deeper into the author’s view of a character. Roderick and Madeline Usher were so similar they in fact died at the same time from comparable health problems. The physical house Roderick lived in seemed to take on so many of the exact depressing attributes of its owner that it, too, perished upon his death. â€Å"The Fall of The House of Usher† by Edgar Allan Poe deals predominantly with hopelessness which fills the narrator with despair. Despite this hopelessness and despite the fact that every character the narrator encounters dies at the end of the story, and regardless that during his visit to the Usher House the narrator becomes somewhat depressed himself, one can glean hope that the narrator, and therefore the reader, escapes from an obviously despondent situation.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Children’s Responses to Own Practice Essay

1 Reflect on own practice. Take note of children and young peoples responses to own practice.I must always take note of how children respond to me it’s important that they feel comfortable and confident and that they trust me, never make them feel intimidated by doing this the child develop more positively emotionally, physically and mentally. 1.1 Take note of children and young people’s responses to own practise When working with children and young people schools will require you to evaluate how each individual responds while they are in your charge. You may find that different teaching styles work better than others and that some prefer a softer approach whereas others may enjoy difficult challenges. Teachers often find that you may be able to spend more time with an individual and your feedback can be a useful source of information, for this reason it is often helpful if you keep a written track of each child or groups progress and how they reacted in each session. 1.2 Ask for constructive fee dback on own practise from colleagues For you to be able to provide the best possible education for children and young people you should always be pushing yourself to reach greater heights and by listening and taking on advice from your colleagues, assessor, head teacher to parents you will be able to continue to grow into a valuable team member and role model to your students. You could ask a colleague to observe you and give back any feedback they may have. If you decide after taking on feedback and assessing your own role that you are perhaps thinking of changing the way you approach a situation, then you may find that seeking advice on the best way to approach situations through your peers could be a useful way of gaining advice. Listening to others can provide you with vital information to assist you in refl ecting upon your own practice. You should aim to listen carefully to feedback, and not become defensive or take the feedback personally. The key focus is to improve practice.Being a refl ective professional requires you to take the time to consider your work, refl ect on its objectives and evaluate its outcomes. You should be learning from your experiences and applying this newfound knowledge to future situations. This is exactly the same message as the one you will be trying to send to your candidates while you support them through their award and encourage them to become refl ective practitioners too. 1.3 Take note of  responses to own practise from others. Evaluating oneself is often a difficult procedure as it means looking deep within and taking your own beliefs and actions into account. You should aim to be as professional as possible as you in essence are looking after the well-being of somebodies child. You may find that you hold different beliefs to some parents or even the school itself and it is important that you try to remain open minded when taking advice from others. All feedback should be acted on as it is given in order to help you improve even when you are given positive feedback always try to improve your own practice if you are given negative feedback take on board what has been said, try to find ways to do things better. 1.4 Evaluate all aspects of own practice. To help me evaluate my own practice I will put together a list of questions to ask myself: Did I pay attention to the needs of all, did I properly supervise and keep a safe and secure environment, did I monitor all children carefully, did I check the area and equipment properly. If anything went wrong or if an incident occurred ask myself â€Å"what could I have done to prevent it† and what can I do to prevent it happening again? 206. Be able to improve own practice. 2.1 Identify possible development opportunities relevant to improving own practice. Development opportunities can come from within the setting if you are given a mentor who will supervise and advise you on how to keep improving, You may be able to take an adult class from a secondary source, even visit the library and take advantage of the literature on offer to help you develop. 2.2: Describe the importance of continuing professional development It is important to continue your professional development throughout your career or chosen profession, as this will help your knowledge to grow and expand. There are many ways in which you can constantly keep improving on this. You could attend courses/classes at college; attend conferences and or workshops as well as the option of learning via reading books or using the internet. A teaching assistant who may feel the need to improve her knowledge on dealing with children who have behavioural problems would need to do a college course, where she would need to use the internet and books for both her resource and references and extra information. To which she would then put all this into practice and have a new knowledgeable skill that would be invaluable to her professional role. While in your chosen profession, to hear the views of what others think is also another way of developing  yourself, they see you in a different way to how you actually see yourself. They may give you advice on how you could improve on a particular way that you handled a dispute between two children, or how you had helped/or how you could help a group of children with a subject or even doing a wall display. Their advice is an invaluable way of improving one’s self development. Another way of improving on your development is to learn from yourself. Reflect on how your day has gone and what you could have improved on. 2.3 work with an appropiate person: a)identify own strengths, and areas were practice could improve There is general agreement across all interested parties that a process of working together is the best way to determine which school or educational setting is right for an individual child with autism spectrum disorder. In the UK, families and local authorities both desire a constructive working relationship and see this as the best means by which to reach an agreement to determine where a child should be educated. b) Despite this positive outcome, survey data indicated that parents found the process bureaucratic, stressful and time consuming. Parents tended to perceive alternative placement suggestions as financially motivated rather than in the best interests of the child. Interviews with local authority personnel showed an awareness of these concerns and the complex considerations involved in determining what is best for an individual child.Conclusions: This small-scale study highlights the need for more effective communication between parents of . c)Identify goals and targets The Common Core Skills and Knowledge for the children’s workforce provides a set of basic skills and knowledge that we must be aware of and practice when we are working with children and young people on a regular basis on a part-time, full-time or on a voluntary capacity. There are six areas of skills and knowledge that we must be aware of and practice. They are: Effective communication with children, young peop le and the families involves positive clear communication, listening, comprehending, questioning and catering for their needs accordingly. Children’s and young people’s development needs to be monitored as they grow up in varying speeds emotionally, physically, socially and intellectually. It is vital to understand their development stages. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child. This is a big responsibility that requires special attention for the safety, protection and well being of the child or young person.  Supporting transitions of children and younger people is essential as they are growing up and are often expected to cope with these changes. This knowledge helps us support them through this transitional process. Multi agency working is about different services working in unity to prevent problems from occurring. They work together with mutual aims and goals. Sharing information in an accurate and timely fashion is an important part of delivering abetted service for everyone. 2.4 Take part in continuing profesional development that is relevant to own goals and targets Personal Develop ment Planning is a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development. The primary objective for PDP is to improve the capacity of individuals to understand what and how they are learning, and to review, plan and take responsibility for their own learning. 2.5 Review one personal developmentà © Personal Development Planning is a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development. The primary objective for PDP is to improve the capacity of individuals to understand what and how they are learning, and to review, plan and take responsibility for their own learning. 2.6 Identify new areas of skillà © and knoweledge to achieve new goals and targets This article brings together an overview of ideas about teacher learning from both teacher education and workplace learning literature, and examines what and how newly qualified secondary school teachers learn in the early years of their career. We discuss the types of knowledge new teachers encounter and present a typology of teacher learning. The article also draws on a three-year longitudinal study, presenting findings from surveys of new and more experienced teachers together with analysis of interviews with ten new teachers during the first two years of their teaching career. We present findings about how these new teachers have learned in their first two years of teaching and explore the importance of the school context and other learning factors. Outcome 3 Understand the work of the team. 3.1 Describe why team work is important in schools. It is important to work as part of a team as this benefits the school as a  whole. In lessons, team work will enable the learning program to be more successful and the children achieve higher potential. 3.2 Describe the purpose and objectives of the team in which you work The purpose and objective of the team is to promote the intellectual, social and emotional development of the children. Working under the direction of the class teacher, I am to support and assist in the lesson plan and objectives, giving additional support to children who are struggling or finding a particular subject challenging. Working as a team with the classroom teacher gives the opportunity for children who are falling behind to catch up with the rest of the class. 3.3 Describe your own role and responsibilities at school and those of the others in your team As a volunteer teaching assistant I work under the direction of the class teacher to support the lesson objectives. To be aware, or make myself aware of the lesson plan and the method of teaching the lesson topic. In certain circumstances, I am to prepare or assist in the preparation of materials and resources required for the lesson. Carrying out administration duties such as filing, photocopying etc., At all times, being a good role model to the children. The teachers role is to plan the lesson and ensure all children have the opportunity to join in the lesson. Ensuring that whilst having the assistance of a TA that the TA is directed to those who may be struggling. 3.4 describe the importance of respecting the skill and expertise of other practitioners Describe the importance of respecting the skills and expertise of others at school. It is important for me to listen and respect other peoples help and advise as they have spent there time getting qualifications and have gathered years of experience in this environment, and there knowledge is valuable and helpful to me in gaining my own qualifica tions. outcame 4 Support the work of the team 4.1 support the purpose and objectives of the team The purpose of the team is to support each other,and this will help strengthen and improve teaching. The objective is to assist the teacher to provide help and support within there class whether its helping with a display or setting up a classroom what ever the teacher needs help with. 4.2 Carry out own role and responsibilities within the team My role is to assist and support the teacher. To help with the things they ask me to do this  could include putting up displays and putting them down. It could be helping the children with reading or helping setting up a class room for a lesson. It is the teachers job in the class room to plan lessons and to decide what the children will be doing. 4.3 Communicate clearly with team members and others, making sure they have the information they need Effective active listening is a key consultancy skill in building relationships, reducing resistance and agreeing ways forward. It is the foundation of interaction and feedback. The skills of activ e listening are very different from the way we listen in everyday conversation. Active listening is not a passive process but one which demands understanding of what a person is saying and reflecting the meaning back to them. This enables people to arrive at their own conclusions and identify potential steps for improvement. 4.4 Interact with others in a way that supports good team work Adult interaction is the key to measure a child’s development. It helps understand the importance of analysing children’s progress and achievement. All children are different and unique. Interaction helps children build stable, healthy and satisfying relationship and close bonding with their family, friends, classmates and care takers (social development). They learn to cooperate and work as part of team. Interaction creates awareness of a child’s development, strengths, needs, interest and most importantly in identifying areas of improvement, on the basis of which we can decide whether the child is ready for next activity and for planning further activities. Through numerous interactions children can be helped in making connections between familiar situations and new ones.We need to ensure that games being provided are suitable per the child’s age. The environment needs to be examined and safe handling instructions are to be provided (Adventure play). Equipment provided should best support the child’s play (for some older children unable to ride a bicycle a tricycle may be used to strengthen skills). We also ensure that the children are aware of what is available and able to get their own choice of equipment and toys. Children need reassurance and support till they become confident. Support and confidence building is also linked to their language development (for children who have some language delay or who do not speak the language of the setting). Children ask questions and want proper responses. We need to be active listener as it helps the child to communicate verbally and nonverbally, express ideas and thoughts. All this  can lead to an improvement in vocabulary, knowledge skills (through nursery rhymes, words games) and children gaining confidence in their speaking abilities. 4.5 Identify and suggest ways in which the team could improve its work, challenging existing practice wgere necesary have you made any suggestions to how to deal with a challenging child, or suggested a change in routine, or made any adaptations to your setting in any way. Preparing students for teamwork focuses on those students who lack in skills of teamwork, and should learn how to enhance their collaborative skill s before the team is created. Gueldenzoph Snyder suggested offering tutorial works to those that are struggling with organisational or grammatical elements. The author also emphasised on the importance of having the instructors to provide extra instruction on the element of successful teamwork (as cited in Gueldenzoph Snyder, p. 75). The reason is that, most students will perform badly on their team projects, if they do not receive instruction regarding how to improve their collaborative skills. Gueldenzoph Snyder compared the teamwork in business communication to that of sports teams, to be a first-class sport team, the athletes often need to prepare, practice and review their performance, and teamwork in business communication is the same.Second point on practicing successful collaboration makes note on the consistency of team members in the group throughout a number of projects or assignments. The benefit of having the same members over different projects allow students to collaborate better by having a good understanding between each member on the way they work. 4.6 Respond to differences of opinion and conflict constructively As a teaching assistant I am part of the wider team of teaching staff in a school. Everyone has different roles and responsibilities and this can sometimes lead to conflicts. On one occ asion I was working with an EMA class doing role plays in a hall. It was the last lesson of the day and we were using the interactive white board. The after school film club was due to use the room straight after us and the coordinator was very annoyed that she was unable to come in and set up ahead of her class. She insisted that the EMA class use another space. While I could understand her frustration at being delayed I could also see the benefits to the EMA class of using the hall. It provided the children with opportunities to do exercises that couldn’t be done in standard classroom. I could also tell that they really enjoyed working in the space. The  discussion between the teachers became slightly heated and I could see that there was tension. In order to resolve the conflict I suggested we carry out the activities that require the white board early so that the coordinator could come in towards the end of our lesson and set up the film. This solution was accepted by all. I felt I dealt with the situation constructively. 4.7 Seek advice and support from relevant people when needed Seek advice and support from relevant people when needed. As a teaching assistant I always seek advice on issues I am unsure of. If had a difference of opinion with another member of staff I would ask the teacher I worked with or different member of st aff for advice. If was having difficulty with any of my responsibilities I would ask another member of staff to help and support me to ensure I was doing things correctly.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Field Of Physical Therapy - 1898 Words

The day-to-day writing in the field of Physical Therapy varies depending on the audience. The audience determines the purpose of the writing and writing style. Physical Therapists (PT) use evidence-based exercises and activities to rehabilitate their patients in order for them to reach their unique goal. Since PT’s work with both medical professionals and patients, they must adjust their writing to be able to communicate effectively. PT’s are just one of the many people in the medical field that may work with a particular patient so it is important that the communication between the different layers of the medical field are precise and clear. Writing to a patient is also important because they are the person who is being directly affected†¦show more content†¦The main audience a PT is writing to are people who have extensive understanding or are in the field. Their purpose is to use that information for billing and to help make medical decisions which both gre atly impact the patient. Due to the potential impact of their understanding of the PT’s writing, the writing must be specific, descriptive, and contain jargon. A specific documentation layout named SOAP was created for PT’s to use to make sure all essential information is gathered. All PT’s follow the SOAP note format to document patient visits. SOAP notes were created to help keep consistency through the field and to keep patient records organized and secure. SOAP notes are written to help the PT critically think about the next step in their client’s rehabilitation process. The format is used â€Å"to communicate information to other providers of care, to provide evidence of patient contact and to inform the Clinical Reasoning process† (Lowe â€Å"SOAP Notes†). SOAP documentations aid in informing and proving PT’s work. The content is straight to the point and remains strictly factual which causes shorter sentences. SOAP stands for s ubjective, objective, assessment, and plan (Lowe â€Å"SOAP Notes†). 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